Monday, January 17, 2011

Boudoir at the Atlantica Oak Island

This weekend, we will be offering some fantastic deals on boudoir photography as part of the Atlantica Oak Island's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" weekend. I thought I would give you an idea of what we're going to offer in terms of location and set! All of the shooting will be done in one of the Atlantica Oak Island's gorgeous villas, but we're going to set up each part of it a little differently so you get a full range of options.

First, we will have the loft bedroom set up with full studio strobes and umbrellas around the king-sized bed. This will make for some nice crisp, studio-style lighting. Great for showing off your sparkling eyes or making colours on your Valentine's negligee really pop! Awesome for bodyscape shots that highlight your best features, while also providing clean white linens to hide your least favourite features. This is the height of magazine style boudoir. Additionally, there is a sizeable bathroom off this bedroom that could make for some great shots as well.

Second, we will have the dock-level bedroom setup as a darkened room with continuous softbox light. This room will be great for moody, smoky-eyed come-hither stares and more artistic, classic boudoir. Heavy curtains provide privacy while adding a deep texture to the ambiance of the room. Strong directional light will cast mysterious shadows and provide great lighting for photos that taste like well-aged whiskey.

Finally, the main living area will give us room to work a few portable flashes against the natural light coming in across the ocean or through the fog. Big windows and a comfortable couch mean we can capture a wide variety of moods and lighting set ups in one area.

We're ready to make you the star! See you on Friday!

(Can't make it this weekend, book a shoot in Halifax! See our Valentine's Vamptacular special!)

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